Name That Candy
Hand each guest a list with all the questions, the person who gets the most correct answers, wins!
1) A Famous Trio
2) A Galaxy Not So Far Away
3) She Loves Chuck
4) The Mighty Twins
5) Good For Laughs
6) Draw a Blank
7) Sultan of Swat
8) The Best Day of the Week
9) Pile It On
10) Happiness Abounds
11) A Rainbow of Color
12) Don't Go To Sea Without It
13) A Hot Planet
14) I Forgot...?
15) Superman's alter ego
16) Ritzy New York
17) Nothin' Between The Ears
18) Lotta Moola
19) Goofy Geeks
20) Tubby Hubby
TV Game
Tell the guests you are playing a game, and give each a piece of paper and a pen. Tell them all to listen good! After you are done reading, have them write down all of the TV shows that were in the story. The one with the most, wins!
I was THIRTY SOMETHING, living through THE WONDER YEARS with my FAMILY and my husband taking ONE DAY AT A TIME. We were doing okay, but THE FACTS OF LIFE were that we were not born with SILVER SPOONS in our mouths. Our savings were in JEOPARDY and we didn't want to be in debt for the rest of THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES. I finally told my husband, it's time to get out of THIS OLD HOUSE or at least make some HOME IMPROVEMENTS. I don't want to start a FAMILY FEUD but I'm YOUNG AND RESTLESS and I want to contribute to the family finances. It's time for me to GET SMART.
Don't be THE CRITIC, I'm in search of AMERICA'S MOST WANTED job. FAMILY MATTERS to me and I don't want to miss out on the PRIME TIME with the kids by hiring THE NANNY. [Your company] offers a great opportunity. THE PRICE IS RIGHT, no investment!!! Part-time work with full-time pay! And WHO'S THE BOSS? I am! But could I get up in front of a FULL HOUSE of PERFECT STRANGERS for 60 MINUTES and tell people how to take home their BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL with [Your company] merchandise and become DESIGNING WOMEN?
Of course, I have experienced some GROWING PAINS, but soon I was able to spread my WINGS and watch my business BLOSSOM. [Your company] has made me feel like I'm part of A-TEAM. I have GOOD TIMES at home with ALL MY CHILDREN. My family CHEERS when my weekly profit-check arrives!
Pass the Gift
This is a very easy one to play! Bring a wrapped gift to your show. After you have introduced yourself, have everyone stand up and get into a circle. Hand 1 person the gift and have them follow the following directions. The last one with the gift in hand wins.
You thought all the gifts were meant for you. But I have other items too.
So hold up this gift and look around, and give it to the one with eyes of brown.
You think you are the lucky one, but let us all share in the fun!
Look around with eyes discreet, and give it to the one with the smallest feet.
Your feet are tiny and very small. Now hand it to someone very tall.
Please, take your time and don't be harried. Give it to the one who is longest married.
You must be proud of your married life, now pass this on to the newest wife.
Of this parcel you are bereft, give it to the one on your left.
The largest earring I'm looking for now, if you're wearing them, step up with a bow.
Now to the person with buttons-- big or small, any kind, the most you can find gets the gift at this time.
Now don't get cross and please don't fight, but pass it to the lady third on the right.
We should stop now, don't you agree? The gift is yours to open and see.
The Detergent & Soap Game
Let everyone know you are playing the detergent and soap game. Tell them you are going to read them a short story and have them right down all of the detergents or soaps they spot in your paragraph. The one with the most, wins.
With joy in my heart, I made a dash for the mailbox. What a thrill to find that my special package had arrived. Giving a shout I raced into the house like a Haley's Comet. "Why all the excitement?" asked my husband. "If you'd use some of the energy to keep the house spic n span and to get the laundry done, I might have enough clean clothes to tide me over." "So, you think house work is a breeze. "I retorted."
Here's the whisk broom now why don't you climb down from your ivory tower and give me a hand?" "And as for the laundry, I thought I woodbury that in the back yard." "One more bold remark like that", he replied" and I'm going to dial the dress shop and cancel the order on your new chiffon dress. How duz that strike you?" "Not on your lifebuoy" I said, grabbing the phone from his hand. "I was only teasing Sweetheart he said, "Now go and open your special package to cheer you up.
6 days ago
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