Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fudge Ripple

Thursday, July 24 ushered in the Goat Show at the Allegany County Fair along with one wee doe, Fudge Ripple. First freshener Saanen Little Ms. Ruby Tuesday Bender gave birth to her first kid - one little Saanen/Nubian doe with a swirl of tan and chocolate on her head and a "V" from her head down the top of her neck. She is the pride and joy of the farm right now.

You would think Ripple didn't come with legs. She gets packed along by Aaron and then Noah. Poor little girl.

When she does use those legs, she is jumping on an old spare tire sitting smack dab in the middle of my barn foyer (that's the area in front of the front barn door) head butting Oprah, a little black February 2008 Nigerian doeling
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