Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, Off to the Barn I Go

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, Off to the Barn I Go. This is my parody of the song from Snow White... It means I'm about to begin my day.

So much planned for today. Off to Amish country to buy some more lye. Becky and I are making soap tomorrow. Becky informed me we may be making up to eight 8# batches... Screech!!! What did she just say? That's a lot of soap. That's somewhere between 240 to 400 bars depending on the size of the molds. And let me tell you, we will need every mold we can find with that much soap. But hey we will be prepared for Christmas and the great beyond.

Hope to get the new kids horns disbudded tomorrow. No my little trick-or-treating devils, but the cute litte Nigerian Dwarf babies. They are so sweet! Buttercup has adopted Snickers little doeling. We are thinking of calling her Sneakers because she sneaks drinks from Buttercup as well as her mom Angelica. She a down-right thief! No wonder she is growing like a weed!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Science proves it - goat milk is healthier than cow milk

What I've always suspected now has some proof - goats milk is healthier than cow's according to this study. It has been proven to prevent anemia and bone demineralization.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Two new doelings on the Rocking-M

Kids Corral CR Angelica gave us two beautiful doelings today... Hope to upload pix later this weekend.... Debating whether to keep them.... Hubby says keep them, but he's kind of partial to "Angelica Pickles" as he calls her... I'm kind of fond of her too... She's a dream on the milk stand...

Maybe I'll wait until Buttercup drops her young ones... I truly thought she would kid first... She should go within the week....

And then there is next year's breeding... Noah has to figure out who he's breeding to who.... and get 'er done...

But today's task is donning my knee-high Muck Boots spreading gravel in our sopping wet, muddy barnyard with the hubby before the budding journalist arrives to interview me about my soap.

And then there's tomorrow, off to Carol's farm for the Capering Kids 4-H Goat Club's annual Fall Jamboree... Good times, good food, lots of goats and kids with good friends!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So many different types of milk

It seems there is a different milk for every day of the week nowadays.

The Los Angeles Times goes on to explain the differences here...

I still prefer goat milk from my sweet, little Nigerian Dwarf goats any day of the week.